Thursday, April 5, 2007

Chuck's Tarot Daily 3/19 - 4/5

Here are the cards I've been drawing (almost) daily.

In the mornings before I leave for the train, I'll pick up the deck and shuffle until I 'feel' it's been long enough. Sometimes I'll concentrate on something in particular and other times I'll just direct energy into the cards.

Here are the cards I've been drawing for 3 weeks.
If there are any tarot readers out there, I welcome your comments.

Cups = 5
Major = 3
Wands = 2
Pentacles = 1
Swords = 1

Monday - March 19 - JUSTICE = Justice, Responsibility, Decision, Cause and Effect.

Tuesday - March 20 - (I concentrated on success for plans currently in the works.) 10 of Pentacles = Convention, Affluence, Permanence "this is the card you want to see if you are wondering how your latest enterprise will turn out."

Got into a great conversation on the train this morning. Living on a teacher's salary - how does one define 'living?' Is living cable tv and high-speed Internet, two modern cars in the driveway and the deluxe mac and cheese? Or, is living home and family, warm and dry, not hungry.

Wednesday - March 21 - (I concentrated on getting things done, progress.)
Knight of Cups = Knights are intense card of the suit and cups are the symbol for emotions. How will emotions help me make progress?

Thursday - March 22 - 2 of Cups - If you are struggling with two choices or tendencies within yourself, seek to reconcile them.

Friday March 23 - 9 of Wands - Even if everyone and everything seems to be against you right now, don't give up.

Saturday - March 24 - 8 of Cups - The signs of change are in our face, and we must accept them.

Sunday - March 25 - 4 of Cups - You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction.

Monday - March 26 - Hanged Man - The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering.

??? - March ??? - 10 of Wands - you are pushing yourself too hard.

??? - March ??? - Ace of Swords - Above all else, commit to being honest and ethical.

I have withdrawn a bit from a another's situation. How many situations do I find myself in that others would consider unethical?

Monday - April 2 - Emperor - Loose ends should be tied up, and wayward elements, harnessed.

I'm consolidating bills and transfering totals to lower interest spots, doing math.

I stayed home sick for two days. April 3-4. Maybe the 10 of Wands was telling me something?

Thursday - April 5 - Queen of Cups - an atmosphere of gentle love, acceptance and respect for feelings.

I plan to stay home this evening. Still not 100% over the cold. Couch and movie and maybe pasta with husband, cat and dogs. Yeh. I can feel the love.

Many of these descriptors are copied from A great site for Tarot knowledge.

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