Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Do you have the stones to commit?

I was dipping into my pitifully small cache of gemstones today for a stone to carry in my pocket. I was equally attracted to both the Bloodstone and the Moonstone. I don't know why. So, I looked around a bit on the Web and found a few places that delve into the meanings and powers of stones.

BLOODSTONE called "the stone of the warrior"
protection in dangerous situations.
courage, strength, victory
decision making
grounding, intense healing, renewal

MOONSTONE is a stone of Goddess energy
soothing, peace, calming, balance, harmony
connecting with feelings, emotional tension, tenderness
introspection, reflection, insight
beginnings, travel

I am currently faced with the committment point of quitting my work and returning to college full-time, with a more flexible job closer to home and school. Intuitively, I feel this is the direction that I should go. I need to make the committment, send in the deposit, clear my calendar and rake up the tuition.

I will take the energy of these stones to center myself,
get a little spine and move forward.

For more info on gemstone lore, visit the Bejeweled Faerie or The Blessed Bee.

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